Sunday, August 14, 2005

Down goes the chimney

Marcus and I woke up this morning and on a whim decided it seemed like a nice day to take down the chimney. We have a little problem with project dependencies right now. We can't redo the stairs going to the basement because the chimney is in the way. So there's lots of work in the basement that is getting held up because of it.

The hardest part of the whole ordeal was figuring out who got to climb the ladder and get on the roof. I hate ladders and Marcus hates heights so it didn't go so well. One of us would get halfway up and then come back down. Finally Marcus sucked it up and got up there. Hey, he's the guy right?

Surprisingly enough, the chimney came down pretty easily and we were able to get the roof patched. I think we'll be cleaning up dust for the next 10 years but what else is new. I can honestly say that today I've never been dirtier in my life. We were literally caked in a black mass of dust and dirt and chimney debris. It was pretty gross. Now that the chimney is gone we can get back to finishing up work on the basement so I can hopefully have some Monday Night Football parties and have an excuse to buy that nice 42" Phillips AmbientLight tv. Ahhhhhhh....

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