Monday, February 12, 2007

It's just one of those days... I'm beat. I had failure after failure today in pretty much everything! All day I spent trying to get a stupid video uploaded to my podcast site but it kept timing out JUST before the file was finished. Strike 1.

I'm playing around with Maven at work and try as I might I could not get this stupid Spring archetype to work. I followed their f*** instructions. It doesn't work. Strike 2.

And of course, all I could think about is all the mess at home and all the work we have to do on the house. Living in a construction zone really sucks sometimes. I think the best solution Marcus and I have come up with is to burn it all down. Strike 3.

I feel better now. As cheesy as it sounds, thank goodness tomorrow is a new day and I get to feel the results of my ass-kicking at the gym today.

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