Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A rainbow of colors!!

Here's the colorful result of last Tuesday's little PR incident. Look at those fabulous rainbow colors! I especially like day 3...very pretty! (This is the outside of my thigh btw...)

The bruise didn't turn out as bad as I initially thought it would be. It took it nearly a day to even get colorful. It's fading now but the spidery lines are a bit funky. I should have taken pics of the bruise under my right knee...that one turned out pretty too :)


UltraMick said...

Hey! I just found your blog. Sorry about your crash at PR (there was one this week too). For future reference, arnica gel applied to a bruise really tones down the colors and helps it heal faster. You can't put it on broken skin, but it is great for those deep things that turn black and purple and green. :) -Martha

grepgirl said...

Thanks Martha! I have an awesome massage therapist who used some of that on me and suggested it as well. I hadn't heard of it before but it definitely works. I'm surprised how quickly the bruise has healed up, though I still have a nice lump under there.