Sunday, September 16, 2007

A fun and exciting weekend of bicycles!

I had to sit down today and try to think about what I did with my time before I discovered bike racing. I honestly don't have a clue, which is sad. I'm glad I love bicycling!

Friday night I went to the Velodrome with my friend Liz from TiCycles to watch the last night of track racing. It was a great time, there was a good turnout, and later in the night the MVA provided free beer and pizza. I think I had one too many Skinny Dips :)

Saturday I headed up to UZoka for our first official Saturday team ride. I figured I'd get in a few extra miles by riding from my place in Leschi and bumped into Gina on the Burke near the stadium. We saw the aftermath of some guy on a mountain bike who took out a pedestrian. Enough people were taking care of the situation that we didn't need to stick around. The Burke traffic was heavier than normal due to the Husky game, so we just wanted to get the hell out of there. Hope the dude is ok, but he was passing pretty recklessly so I guess I'm not too sympathetic.

We had a great turnout for the ride and at one point heading into Coulon a handful of people broke off the front and really pushed the pace. Much to my surprise I was able to just barely hang on to the tail end of the lead group, which was a major accomplishment for me. I redlined doing it, but hey, it felt great to hang! Maybe I've actually improved my fitness!?

This morning I was supposed to do the "Meet the Women's Teams" ride and represent Zoka but was bummed to wake up and find my knee looking like a softball. Yeah, great. It hasn't done that in a while but after a few hours of Naprosin and ice it looked better. Unfortunately I had to bail on the ride, but a few other Zoka gals should be out there the rest of the weeks, which is good.

I headed over to South SeaTac at 1pm to watch the Men's Cat 3 and Women's 1/2/3 cross race and got some great pics and videos. Check out the kickass new Zoka tent we have! By the start of the race there was light drizzle that turned into a light rain and made for a fun time. Our Zokas did great with JoAnne taking 2nd, Jeff getting 7th or 8th, and Rick taking the win in his earlier race. Paul came off the course looking like hell. He was caked in dirt and covered in blood. Even the announcer made a point to publicize the location of the medic when Paul finished. Great job out there Pauly!

The SeaTac course is super technical so I'm not sure I'd want to do any races there for a while. I'd be afraid of providing crash entertainment. My plan was to do a workout with JoAnne after the race but the rain changed our minds, so I just got home from doing a little cross workout on my own. Today was the first day I've actually run around a bit and practiced some mounting and dismounting since late last year. I did surprisingly better than I expected and can't wait to get some more practice. Star I come!

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