Thursday, July 17, 2008

Looking ahead to Boston? Maybe?

This week might actually mark a turning point in my three year battle with ITBS. If you haven't heard of ITBS or read my blog before, I can best describe it as a horrible, painful, completely crippling injury for runners involving some stupid piece of connective tissue that runs from hip to knee. And it doesn't like to heal, that's for sure.

Early this week I hit the pavement and ran a mile for the first time in a long time completely pain free. The next day I did it again. And the next. Woo! I'm not necessarily running fast, and I'm not always running continuously, but just the fact that I can do this now with NO pain and NO funny hip or knee sensations means amazing progress. I wish I could explain how thoroughly excited I am to be jogging again! I was born to run!

I've already talked to Joe at Headquarters since he's wanted to sponsor someone at Boston for a long time. I came very close to qualifying for Boston at the Seattle Marathon years and years ago, and if I can get slowly trained back into shape, I fully intend to do it this time. I'm especially motivated by everyone who tells me how tough it is to qualify with Seattle. Hills? I love hills! :) So maybe in another year or two, I'll be running the Boston Marathon covered in Headquarters logos. Awesome!

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