Friday, May 26, 2006

rain rain go away

The Thursday night Women's series at Pacific Raceways is on a bye this week so I was looking forward to racing at Seward Park instead. Wouldn't you know it was dry all day until about 4:30 rolled around. I didn't feel like taking a chance at racing there in wet conditions so I took the night off.

I think I'll be doing a long team ride on Sunday with some climbs over Squak Mountain and the Zoo Hill. I'm not sure if I'll stay out there as long as some of the guys want to ride but I'd like to get out there on another team ride again and put in a good effort.

I'm seeing a trainer tomorrow that was recommended by a friend. I've really fallen in love with cycling but I just don't have the fitness yet to be competitive so I figure I need to go that extra mile to get my butt in shape. I have to keep reminding myself I've only been biking seriously since December and it wasn't until late December that I had my first-ever 50+ mile ride. I'm hoping to use the fall season and cyclocross to get into really good shape and be ready to kick butt next year.

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