Sunday, May 28, 2006

Weekend ass-kicking

An old roommate of Marcus' recommended her trainer to me, so I spent yesterday and today getting a fitness assessment from him. Joe runs Headquarters Health & Fitness downtown and does serious training for a lot of athletes as well as body builders.

I spent three hours yesterday doing a lower body assessment and about two hours today with an upper body assessment. Joe pushes you to find out what you can and what you can't do and to find out how hard you're willing to work. I was surprised because I lift at the gym regularly and always thought I had decent strength and abs, but boy was I wrong! I could barely do the ab exercises he had me doing and at one point I thought my legs and arms had turned to jello.

Joe rocks and has a great energetic personality. I felt right at home at the gym and I'm looking forward to getting started. He said I need to bring the right attitude and be prepared to work because his goal is for you to meet your goals and get into serious athletic shape. He trains professional and elite athletes and body builders and many of his lifters hold state and regional records, so he's serious. Monthly dues include personalized training and nutrition. He guarantees results every 30 days.

I signed up for M/W/F workouts at 7:30am, which means a brutal awakening to mornings again. I used to be a morning person but have fallen out of the routine. It's really the best and only time I have to workout, so I guess I have to commit and make it work. I start this Wednesday so we'll see how it goes.

Here comes a 6-pack in 30 days I hope...

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