Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Let the training commence

I made sure to get a good night's rest and surprisingly woke up at 6:45 with minimal effort. I headed to my first 7:30 training session at Headquarters this morning and it kicked ass.

Joe told me I'd be working my legs today which was a little concerning since I race at Pacific tomorrow, but so far I feel pretty good -- I guess I'll see how I feel tomorrow. His workout consisted of several circuits that each had 2 sets of 3-4 different exercises. I started with a short warmup on the elliptical machine and some stretches and ab exercises.

My first circuit I was on the leg abduction / adduction and leg curl machines. I'm trying to remember all of the exercises I did, but I had a second circuit that used the leg press and leg extension machines combined with a workout that was a variation of a lunge that targed my quads.

Another circuit had some walking lunges combined with stepping up and down boxes and lastly I did a circuit on the seated and standing calf machines. Joe said about 15% of your leg strength is from your calves, so I need to bulk up there. After each round of workouts I hopped on the elliptical machine for a 1-minute high cadence spin. This really helped to stretch and relieve my legs and definitely helped my muscles from being tight.

At the very end of the workout I felt good but then started to get a little nauseated. I probably need to eat a bit more next time and make sure I hydrate well the night before. Friday I'm set to work my core so he told me to be ready to be sore for the weekend...I can't wait!

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