Thursday, May 10, 2007

An ode to my bicycle

Oh bicycle, how I love thee...

Well, something like that. The last two weeks have been absolutely a stress-mess! I closed on the condo, got moved in, had to settle in the kids (the dog and cat), get adjusted to a new place, a new location, etc. Whew...that's more taxing than I remember! During that whole time I think I rode the bike once and ended up ditching my plans for Longbranch.

The dog now seems settled (and the citronella bark collar helps!) and the cat stopped running around my head at night so I could finally sleep. Today I got on my bike and commuted to work and as soon as I started riding I thought, "Ahhh...a return to normalness!" Pretty sad when your life becomes de-stressed because of a bicycle.

Now it's off to Wenatchee this weekend, probably with the dog in tow. He's been pretty well-behaved the last few days so I figure I'll take him along and see how he does. It could be great or it could be the biggest disaster in the world. Remember, I am the reigning Queen of Bad Ideas!

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