Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ok ok...

...thanks everyone for reminding me about how long it's been since I've updated my blog. That should tell you how busy things have been the last few weeks.

I was supposed to race Longbranch and Wenatchee but took both weekends off to get moved into the condo and settled. I did end up going to Wenatchee with racing in mind but once I got there I just couldn't get motivated to race so I spent a nice quiet weekend watching the races, hanging out with friends, and spending quality time with the doggie. It turned out to be a nice little weekend getaway.

I honestly didn't realize two weeks had gone by until suddenly the CLAW was on top of me. Hopping into a stage race after not having ridden in two weeks sucks. My TT was a minute faster than last year but I was hurting bad and stunk it up, finishing 32nd out of 35. Ugh. I figured I'd recover for the crit but my top end was just gone. I was spit out the back right from the start and never did get back in it. Hey, at least I hung in there with Beth from Joe Bar and we didn't get lapped. We were both pretty disappointed with the race.

I had really high hopes for Sunday's road race but again, I just wasn't feeling it. I got gapped up the climb on the 1st lap but was able to work with a large group of gals and we caught back on midway through the 2nd lap. The 2nd time up the hill I just couldn't get there and got dropped again. Nearly every lap I though about calling it a day but hey, there's no better way to get back in shape than getting your ass kicked. I rode with a gal from Group Health the 3rd lap and we helped each other to the finish.

It's a good thing there's no racing this weekend, it'll give me a chance to chill and get back on my training schedule. Mt Hood is coming up and now I'm seriously worried if I'll be able to get back on it in time. Guess I better bust my ass this week...

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