Thursday, October 26, 2006

My Monster

I finally got a picture of the Monster yesterday, now I just need to get a picture of me on it. You can probably see the nice dent I put in the tank right on the Ducati logo. Bummer, but I'll probably get it fixed sometime in the near future.

I've been riding to work this week and I feel so much more comfortable now. As of yesterday I've added about 75 miles to my riding experience - yay! I ended up riding home in some sprinkles yesterday so I decided to keep the bike home today and ride tomorrow when there's definitely no chance of rain.

The bike is headed to Ducati tomorrow over lunch. Yesterday it backfired pretty badly on a cold start, so I'm not sure if it was just a bad day or if it might need an adjustment. It's already loud with the aftermarket exhaust so the backfire sent everyone ducking for cover. It's also idling a bit low and it wouldn't hurt to have it checked out from the crash. Since Ducati is downtown and I work in Renton, I might have a great excuse to do my first interstate ride. I took the windshield off the bike since I think it looks much better without it, but we'll see how it is going 60+. I've only gone 50-55 so far and you definitely get blown around a bit.

It's so much fun to ride!

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