Monday, October 30, 2006

Back in the saddle: Part 2

Over the weekend Marcus and I finished building the fence and worked on hauling away tons of crap from the backyard. I was able to enjoy the weather and get on the Monster Saturday for a short ride. Unfortunately there won't be any riding today since the temps dipped into the 30s last night and there's some frosty areas on the road. I'm not quite ready for ice yet.

I finally got my butt back on the bicycle Saturday for a team ride. It's been about 5-6 weeks since I've ridden and it felt great to get back on. I did realize that it's a little strange hopping on the bicycle after I've been riding the motorcycle all week. I nearly crashed just getting out of the driveway!

The team ride headed south around the lake and then around Mercer Island. My legs were tired at the end but I held up surprisingly well given my hiatus. Last year, one of the guys on the team crashed me out on one of my first team rides. We've joked about it ever since. As we were approaching the Mercer Slough I was riding behind him and not fully paying attention (bad idea) and ended up overlapping wheels. I have no idea how I didn't go down but there was a serious "Oh shit" moment there. I think we need to stay away from each other from now on. Haha. I seriously can't believe I did that. I'm finally just about healed up from the motorcycle crash so the last thing I need is to go down again.

It was exciting to see some women out on our team ride. Looks like we've picked up at least 10 women this year so I've now stepped up into the role of women's team captain. Next year should be fun!

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