Wednesday, June 06, 2007

PR butt whooping

I finally got my ass down to PR last night and prompty got whooped. It was awesome. What sucks is that I can't just hop on 167 from work (I work in Renton) and head south. I have to go home to Leschi to get the dog and then head all the way back down. I mistimed my little adventure and got to PR at 6:19. Racing starts at 6:30 so by the time I got changed and registered it was time to go.

Let's just say that doing a 25 or 30-min crit type workout at PR with ZERO warmup is not a bright idea. Granted, there were only 6 gals there, 4 in the Cat 4 group, but I still got my ass kicked. My legs felt like lead and I was convinced I was going to drop dead on the hill. Usually I motor right up that thing but last night I was towing some major baggage. Despite the lackluster performance it was really nice to get back down there. I'm frustrated right now because I feel like I've lost my fitness. I felt much stronger in March / April than I do now. Maybe I'm just being hard on myself...who knows.

Anyway, I need to figure out some better logistics for next time. And...I need to get my arse in gear and start biking more!

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