Friday, January 04, 2008

Always listen to your massage therapist

After a very long three weeks without massage, I finally got to see Laurel Wednesday night. My whole life is defined around when I get to see Laurel! :)

I've been hitting the gym pretty hard and finally getting back on the bike so my legs were hammered. She worked pretty deep on my hamstrings, calves, and hip abductors, then told me it would be a good idea to rest Thursday and not do any activity.

So, what did I do? My legs felt great so I went to the gym for a leg workout Thursday evening before bowling. It took me one rep on the leg abductor machine to figure out it was a very bad idea. In fact, it may be the worst idea I've had in a long time. Joe laughed when I told him I had a deep tissue massage done the night before. He said I'd be crippled today and I pretty much am.

Moral of the story is: listen to your massage therapist!

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