Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Whew...take a breath!

Wow. I feel like months have gone by since my last blog post. I started my new job as a Flash Manager at Intava on the 28th and I love it. I didn't realize how truly bored I was at Classmates until I started working here. My job in a nutshell is to manage a small team of Flash devs, aid in project management, improve development issues, and interview and hire at least one more Flash dev, all while remaining an individual contributor. Fun! I've been up to my eyeballs in work and learning lots of new things, but the crew at Intava are a great group and really fun to work with. I'm starting a Flash project and I'm excited to dive back in.

Aside from that, I went to Baker Saturday to snowboard and the weather couldn't have been better. Blue skies and awesome snow! The drive was a bit long, so next time I think I'll make a weekend out of it, but it was really a good time. I'm getting a little frustrated because I feel like I should be able to carve down tons of runs, but I'm still stumbling with toe-side turns. I have to keep reminding myself that I've really only been out 5 times.

I haven't spent much time on the bike at all. I'm just not motivated to ride 50+ miles. I am; however, thinking of going to Center Cycle and finally getting my Kona so I can jump into Sunday's mountain bike race at South Seatac. Mountain biking I can do. Road, not so much. I think my road season will be pretty limited to Walla Walla and a handful of crits, but we'll see what happens. I'm much more interested in dirt this year! :)

I'm off to catch up on season 3 of Lost so I can start watching this season....

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