Thursday, June 12, 2008

Methow concerns

This weekend I'm headed to Methow Valley for a stage race and although I know it will be fun, I'm not thrilled from a racing standpoint. I've had little road bike time since starting physical therapy to heal my ITBS and Volunteer Park has been my only road race this year.

The treatment is going very well and I'm seeing substantial progress. I've been able to jog a few blocks, lightly run the Coleman Park stairs, and even get back to the gym. It's very exciting, but I still have a ways to go. It turns out the problem is really in my hip, but the pain presented in my knee.

Luckily I've been able to mountain bike race and for some reason, the mountain bike just doesn't bother me that much. The climb at Leavenworth was a bit rough, but tolerable. The road bike; however, is a much different story. It doesn't take long to fatigue my hip and hills really cause havoc.

I did a 25-mi flyer around Mercer Island last night that turned into a suffer-fest. Just climbing up the east side of the I-90 bridge was tough and once I hit the hills on the island I couldn't get my hip to crank. I guess I'm using a lot of new underdeveloped muscles and stuff is still healing, so it's just not working so well.

I don't think I will be able to pull off a 40-mile road race on Sunday, but I'm hoping to do the TT and crit and just get some training and intensity. It's frustrating to be at about 50%, but the weekend will be a blast regardless. My team rented a cabin, we get free pasta all weekend long, and the weather should be sunny and warm. I'm almost tempted to pack up the Kona and take a XC spin on Sunday!

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