Thursday, June 19, 2008

RAMROD is when?

A friend of mine somehow talked me into signing up for RAMROD a few months ago. I figured what the hell, and did it. I knew exactly what would happen: I would get in and he would get wait-listed and sure enough, I was right. He's dropping quickly on the wait-list, so I'm confident he'll get in.

Today I fell into a mild panic realizing that this event is slightly over a month away. Wah!? 154 miles with over 10,000 ft of climbing? Shit. I really thought I'd be trained up for this, but this year has gone so far off plan with the physical therapy that to say I'm off track would be an understatement. I guess we'll see what happens.

Last night I cruised around Mercer Island and felt good for the first time in months. My hip got a bit fatigued towards the end, but overall, I felt great! Of course, my riding partner completely annihilated me and I was Zone 4 the entire ride just sucking a wheel. Thanks for the workout though, I needed it! It was nice to be able to tax the cardio for a change. I did a brief foray into Zone 5 climbing up the east side of the I-90 bridge deck and I swear it took me 10 minutes to recover. Looks like I know what I need to work on, but just being able to ride hard last night was exciting! Woo!

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