Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I didn't get my Fuji back, but thank goodness for the rider I put on my insurance policy last year. State Farm is the greatest and sending me a check now so I can run out and get a new cross bike hopefully in time to race this weekend. Yay! They're not even requiring paperwork since I've been a customer in good standing for so long. They rock.

I thought my cross bike decision would be an easy one until I started looking at bikes and realized TONS of manufacturers make really great cross bikes now. Decisions, decisions...

Today I rode the neglected Giant into work and it's the first time in months I could ride round trip without blowing up my left knee. Stoked!! The road bike still puts some pressure on the hip (IT band issue) but it's miles away from how painful it was this summer. I'm still moving slow and standing on climbs is tough, but just getting back on the road feels amazing. What doesn't feel amazing is getting passed on hills. Grrrrr..... must ... control ... myself.

I even managed to climb up Irving to 31st from the I-90 bridge deck, but I probably shouldn't do that for a while. I'm hoping I can do a short road ride this weekend, but we'll see. I'd love to get out on a team ride but I don't think I'm quite up to that sort of mileage or pace yet.

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