Friday, September 22, 2006

I need another bike

No, not that kind of bike. I've been contemplating a motorcycle for some time (actually, about 5 years now) and I've always talked myself out of it. I'm finally getting to the point where I'm realizing that I really would like to learn how to ride and I should just bite the bullet and sign up for the Evergreen training class. In fact, there's one in two weeks, which just so happens to be the weekend where there isn't a cross race. It's also close to work. Is that fate or what?

And just yesterday I sat on my favorite bike in the whole wide world, the Ducati Monster. It fits perfectly and is so very cool. I just really must get one. With that being said, I find myself nervous as hell to sign up for the class. I figure I'll be the one who drops the bike, or crashes it, or smooshes myself, or something else stupid. But hey, I race bicycles so I must be able to ride a motorcycle right? And at least on the motorcycle if I hit the pavement going 30 I'm wearing protective gear. I'm not yet contemplating highway speeds :)

Ok, here I go, I'm really signing up this time...

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