Monday, August 13, 2007

Busy weekend!

I figured I'd have a low-key weekend since I wasn't racing but that hardly was the case. I ended up heading out to do the lake loop on Saturday. My timing was so perfect that I ended up in Kirkland right as Z was getting home from his TTT practice so we decided to cruise over to Fremont to join our already drunk teammates Todd and Jason at the Tour de Fat. It was Jason's birthday so at least they had a good excuse this time. Z nearly ripped my legs off on the Burke so I ended up with a pretty briskly-paced 60+ mile ride Saturday. I think he was a little amped to ride his new Seven.

Here's some funny pics of Jason and Todd riding really wild bikes at the Tour de Fat. The best part was this little corral they had set up with all kinds of f***ed up bikes. Watching drunk people crash and try to avoid crashing was awesome.

Sunday I went for a little mountain biking adventure in Issaquah and learned the hard way that forgetting to put your front brake back on after taking the bike off the car rack is a really bad way to start a ride. I had to ride about a mile on the road before getting to the trail so of course I didn't notice the brake wasn't working. Once we hit the trail it went downhill with a sharp left at the bottom. Guess when I figured my brake wasn't working? I tried to slow for the corner and realized how screwed I was. I grabbed a handful of rear brake to try to get stopped, locked up my rear tire, went into the corner WAY too fast and fishtailed and flipped right off the trail. It was awesome. Luckily I landed in grass about a foot away from some serious blackberry thorns and only ended up with a few scratches a couple of new bruises. Good times!

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