Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm in the bell jar

I took this whole week off from work, which is great since it's the first semi-long vacation I've had in probably a year. I planned absolutely nothing and I love it. I'm always stretched to the max with work, biking, and the dog so having a few days to do nothing is like a gift. Last year around this time I had this really bad problem with motivation and sleeping. I felt like I could sleep all day long and be happy about it. The same thing is happening this year. So far this week I've slept until noon almost every day, then taken a nap in the afternoon, and gone to bed around midnight to start the trend over. I could just easily spend the whole day in bed. What the hell is wrong with me?

Maybe there's some type of truth to this SAD thing or something. I swore I'd get up early this morning and despite waking up at 7 I decided to stay in bed all day AGAIN. Well, tomorrow I'm supposed to do the Turkey Day bike ride so I guess I better break this nasty trend and get my lazy butt up. I'm going to end up with bed sores if I'm not careful. Geez...

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