Saturday, November 03, 2007

Dog training 101

A little over a year ago I walked into the Bellevue Animal Shelter to look at dogs and ended up coming home with a very cute, very out of control 9-mo black Lab. It's hard to believe I've had him over a year! Since bringing him home, I've learned that Labs generally come in two styles: the very mellow ones, and the very crazy ones. I got the crazy one. Ever read Marley & Me? I can definitely relate.

Jake's big problems are with personal space and patience, meaning he respects neither. As soon as he meets someone (well, sees them from afar) he breaks out in a wiggle and he can barely contain himself. Usually it's a matter of seconds before he's pulling me down the street, jumping on them, and giving them a great big kiss. To say that he likes to jump up is an understatement and since he's a solid 90 lbs, it's not cool.

I've enrolled him twice in beginner training at two different dog training studios and invited over scores of friends trying to unsuccessfully solve this problem. Finally, one of my friends gave me a recommendation for a dog trainer, Jeff Tinsley. He stopped by this morning for a one-on-one session and I learned more in an hour and a half with him than I have in countless dog training classes.

Most of all, I learned that I'm a horrible dog trainer! Jeff spent time working with Jake but I think he spent most of the time teaching me how to train him correctly. It's amazing what a difference it makes. Already Jake is doing things he never would have done yesterday. I may actually end up with a well-behaved, obedient dog sometime in the next 10 years! Awesome!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Yaaa! Go Chris and Jake! :)