Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A fantastic drug cocktail

I'm still derailed from biking while I've been battling this horrible plague that's going around. Over the weekend I started feeling better, but my lungs and chest felt tight, horrible, and crappy. Yesterday I started feeling worse again so I finally threw in the towel and hit the doctor's office.

Turns out I have walking pneumonia, so it was probably a good choice. Now I'm on a kickin' drug cocktail that should wipe out everything in about 7 days. This is awesome drama for me since I'm allergic to nearly every antibiotic out there. I haven't been on meds in probably 3-4 years.

One of the meds they prescribed me I've been able to marginally tolerate twice before. It's in the same family as something else I'm allergic to, but for some reason, I haven't had a full blown allergy to this one yet. Last night after downing my first pill, my throat started swelling and by the end of the night I could barely swallow, but I had no trouble breathing so I just hung in there. My face ended up all swollen and puffy, so I told everyone I had botox done, but I doubt they believed me. Mild allergic reaction? Yeah, probably. Let's hope I can get the two remaining pills down without some major drama.

I guess this is keeping me from starting my cycling season too soon, which I probably would have done. I was shooting for a debut at North Shore, which was earlier than planned, but that's probably in jeopardy now. I think I'll lay low until Volunteer Park, then come out and get my ass kicked. Good times!

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