Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Two of my big goals for this week were to get back in the saddle and commute to work on the bike. I'm happy to say I've accomplished both! The winter of low motivation and lack of riding seriously had me worried, but now I'm honestly happy to be back on the bike. I guess I just needed a long break.

Last night I checked out veloroutes and bikely to see what route commuters were taking into downtown Bellevue from I-90. Most just cruise straight up 108th from Enatai, but I did notice many people's routes detoured off 108th at Bellevue Way and reconnected a few blocks north. I couldn't figure why, because Google Maps showed a bike path or large shoulder, but today I found out.

Since power builders were on the training menu today, I dusted off the 'ol Univega single speed and hit it. This route is hilly for the vega and the best part was the wall on 108th just north of Bellevue Way. Yep, that's why people detour. Halfway up I seriously thought I would have to walk, but mustered about a 30 cadence and somehow barely rolled over the top going about 3mph. Ah the joy of having no gears! I checked out another bike site later in the day that had a note on that intersection that said "F***inghill!!". No doubt.

The highlight of my day was the brand new set of Armadillo tires I snagged at Gregg's. They were made for my bike, because they have redwalls! The guys at Gregg's got a kick out of my red sparkly bike and couldn't get over my matching red sparkly chain and redwall tires. Groovy indeed!

I got to cruise back home after dark and I always forget how fun it is to ride in darkness. I think more night rides will definitely be in my future. Now I just need a red neon light for my bike ;)

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