Monday, April 21, 2008

Kick ass f***ing weekend!

Friday evening I braved the Seattle snow and drove to BC with my friend JoAnne for a weekend long mountain biking clinic. I've been looking forward to this Dirt Series clinic for a while, and it turned out to be even better than I could have imagined. It was cold, but we had sunny skies the entire weekend and awesome riding.

My beginner's group started the day with a straight-line riding session. We progressed from a fire hose, to a flat wooden plank, to elevated planks, to teeter totters. Once we got some elevation (and I mean only a few inches) our coaches became spotters to put everyone at ease. When we got to the teeter totter, I was really excited but also scared to death! I've always wanted to try one but have never had the confidence. I looked ahead, did everything the instructors said, and amazed myself by cruising right over it. Awesome! After a few more nervous tries I gained some confidence and had a blast riding over that thing again and again. Woo!

Next I learned pedaling front-wheel lifts. It took me a while to get it but by the end of the hour, sure enough, I could pedal with my front wheel in the air for a second or two. We finished with a braking and descending clinic and got to roll off the end of some boxes that simulated drop offs. After a lunch break, we headed out for our afternoon trail session.

My group rode at Seymour for the weekend and the trails were unbelievably tough with tons of wet roots, rocks, drop offs, and even snow. I couldn't believe how much more confidently I rode and how many more things I was riding over than ever before. Every time we would get to an obstacle, we would stop, check it out, then one by one get spotted by the instructors so we could try it. I definitely have a new found respect for North Shore riders. These trails are tough!

At the end of the afternoon ride, we headed back to the host bike shop for beer and snacks and several bike maintenance clinics. Afterwards, JoAnne and I hit a local Italian restaurant and then crashed hard Saturday night. What a long day!

Sunday morning we woke up sore and a bit tired, so the Yoga session that started the Sunday clinics was awesome! We got to pick our morning clinics, and I chose to do more straight-line riding, cornering, and climbing. I really wanted to learn how to do manuals, but I decided I should focus on some basic skills first, then take another clinic to learn more advanced stuff.

After another half dozen shots at the teeter, I think I have a new favorite mountain biking trick! The icing on the cake was nailing an elevated corner twice in a row and finally gaining the confidence I needed to climb uphill over obstacles in the climbing clinic. Awesome stuff!

The Sunday afternoon ride was back at Seymour and the trails were a bit more technical than Saturday. We had some rocky downhill sections and every time we would get to them, I couldn't wait to try it! I love going downhill! I think I may have to try some downhill clinics at Whistler or something - ha! I truly amazed myself by riding parts of the trail that I never would have been able to do before the clinic.

I had an absolutely wonderful time and the coaches and sponsors that put together this clinic deserve huge props. I can't even think of enough good things to say! I've always had fun mountain biking, but now I'm 100% more stoked to hit the trails. I can't wait to hit Tapeworm this week and see how much better I ride!

Thanks Dirt Series!

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