Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The condo circus

"Entertaining" doesn't even begin to explain this week. My mom finally decided to move to Seattle and flew in Monday afternoon with her two cats. Until she finds an apartment, which is hopefully this weekend, I've got her, me, three cats and a dog all living in my 670 square foot condo. Circus! Jake is doing pretty well with the fuzzy new additions and has only chased them a few times. Since mom's cats have never even seen a dog, it's been funny to watch. I can't figure out if they're too terrified to do anything, or if they just don't know what to do.

Surprisingly, the biggest pill in the mix has been my little Siamese cat. She's the sweetest, most loving, laid-back cat in the world, but she hates other cats. Mom's cats are having a harder time getting along with her than the dog. I think Jake can relate :)

I think the gym will be falling to the wayside this week while chaos ensues, but I'm keeping up on the bike by commuting to work. I might even show my face at Seward tomorrow. At least if I crash, mom is a nurse and will be handy.

This weekend I'm signed up for Longbranch, which will be the first road race of the season for me. I feel like I'm in better shape than I was a month ago, but still have a long ways to go. It will be nice to get out there and get in a good, hard effort. In the meantime, wish me luck with the circus!

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