Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The single speed anomaly

I've been commuting to work much more frequently now because it's really the best way for me to get my bike workouts in. About a month ago, I rode my single speed to work twice and figured I'd benchmark my time. My route from Leschi to Bellevue isn't very flat and has some steep hills, but I always seem to get to work faster on the single speed than on any other bike. Whah!? I don't get it. One gear and I go faster? Even with all the hills?

Last week I rode my light, carbon race bike and had my slowest commute yet. Today I rode my semi-heavy rain bike and split the difference. So basically, one speed = faster commute to work. Light, carbon bike = slowest commute to work.

Of course, when I ride the Ruby I'm usually trying to rest my legs, but I'm guessing the lighter and easier the bike becomes to ride, the more lazy I become. Interesting.

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