Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I need a vacation!

I'm happy a long Memorial Day weekend is soon to come because it's been a crazy few weeks! My mom is accepting a job offer today, so she's really excited and it's great news for her. She'll be working in Bellevue about a half-mile from where I work, so now we can get together for lunch from time to time. She also found an apartment in Woodinville. Ironically, it's the same apartment complex I lived in when I first moved here 8 years ago.

Things are coming together for her and I know she's relieved. It's been very stressful for both of us to not have our own space and be living on couches and out of suitcases. The animal circus hasn't helped either! Hopefully she'll be moving into her new place in a few days and her furniture will be here soon.

Unfortunately I'm 0 for 2 on races lately. Sunday at 4am the fire alarm went off in my condo building and the Seattle Fire Department couldn't reset it. From 4am until shortly after 5 we were all sitting in the lobby, listening to fire alarms, and watching very hot firemen walk the hallways. One of the 3rd floor residents said, "Hey! Should we get Margaritas? Firemen party anyone?" The lack of sleep killed my Longbranch plans, so now I'm shooting to open up the road season with Ravensdale this Saturday. Third time is a charm, right?

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