Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's armageddon...save us!

Nothing cripples Seattle like ice and snow. Some parts of the city got hit really hard while others got nothing. We live too close to Lake Washington to ever get much more than a dusting of snow. When I left work yesterday around 5:30 it was pouring hail and sleet and thundering. I headed to work this morning and once I got to the Renton Airport the roads turned to ice. Getting the rest of the way through Renton was actually pretty challenging. I grew up in Indiana so I've certainly driven in worse conditions, but Seattle has so many hills it's next to impossible to get around here even with minor snow and ice.

I think I'm one of about 20 people that came to work today. I spent the day moving into my new office at work, which is fun and crappy at the same time. Sure, an office is nice, but I enjoy sitting with everyone else and being able to talk. Now I'll be trapped in a box in the corner. At least my team sits right outside my office so I can still talk freely with them. And I have windows :)

I'm leaving early and heading home to finish drywalling the bathroom. It's getting really close to being done - maybe this weekend. I just took some pictures of the disastrous construction mess last night and will post 'em up later tonight.

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