Sunday, February 11, 2007

I missed my mark with bike mileage this week, but hey, it happens. My alarm went off Saturday morning and I didn't think twice about shutting it off, skipping the team ride, and sleeping in. I didn't sleep well Thursday or Friday night so I was happy to get the extra rest. I ended up doing pretty much nothing Saturday, which was rather nice for a change!

Today I got back on the bike and rode the Magnolia loop. It's been ages since I've done that ride and I forgot how great it is! There's a few decent hills and rollers and the weather today was spectacular! I didn't expect the temperature to be near 60 and a few blocks from home I was already overheating in my winter gear.

On the way back home I saw some crazy shit on the corner of Fremont & Stone. I have no idea what set off the situation but a biker turning left on Fremont from Stone enraged some guy in a white car, who nearly spun a 180 in the intersection, squealing his tires, just to change direction and chase the biker down. Gravel flew everywhere! I was waiting at the corner with a few other cyclists and we were all looking on in disbelief. The driver then chased down the cyclist and for a few seconds we were very worried he was trying to run the guy down. The cyclist turned into the parking lot of a pub, probably to get away from the driver, who followed him, got out of his car, and started physically confronting the guy. What the hell!?? Scores of people were just stopped, watching the hold thing unfold, calling 911 and shaking their heads in disbelief. Luckily everything finally disbanded but man, there are some people out there who really shouldn't have a driver's license. If you get that angry behind the wheel, do you think you deserve to drive? It's amazing what people do when they're behind the wheel of a few-thousand-pound steel machine.

Crazy. Everyone stay safe out there!

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