Monday, February 05, 2007

Weekend of riding

I logged 80 miles this weekend, which is a new record. I'm still a bit short of where I want to be, but I'm taking care not to increase my mileage too much. 98 miles last week! This week I should finally top the century mark.

Saturday I did a team ride around the south end of the lake and out to May Valley. We did a decent climb around Exit 7 near 405. This was definitely one of the harder team rides I've done in a while and everyone was moving at a pretty brisk pace. I still have some trouble hanging onto the pack on Newport, which is right after a decent climb and slightly uphill enough to be a pain in the ass. I'm riding much stronger than I was last year though, so I'm stoked!!

Sunday I headed up Lake Washington Blvd towards the U-District and did some hill climbing. Marcus suggested climbing up 41st in Laurelhurst and boy was that fun. Any hill he suggests is sure to be a butt-buster. I then climbed 65th over to 35th, then headed back south to do Madrona and Seward Park. Good times!

I just bought the best t-shirt ever and wore it to work Friday. I'm such a nerd. It was much appreciated :)

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