Wednesday, January 17, 2007


As I was filling out paperwork at the Emergency Cat Clinic tonight I saw that the front desk attendant had written down my reason for visiting as "dog jumped on head." I wish there was a better way to explain it....

Pooh-Bear, my 13-yr old Siamese, used to be dog-friendly but she prefers to stay downstairs out of the way of our 1-yr old boisterous Lab. He stays upstairs so it all works nicely. Then enters me. Right before Top Chef started, I took the kittie upstairs to visit the dog. He was sitting calmly on the couch so I set her on the ground...big mistake. As soon as she hit the floor the dog jumped down to greet her and jumped right on her head.

I swear it all happened in slow motion. Now is a good time to mention that Pooh-Bear weighs all of about 7 lbs and Jake weighs nearly 90. I knew this wasn't good, especially when she bolted downstairs with a blood-curdling Siamese death cry. When I got down there she was rolled up on the couch nearly having a seizure and I couldn't tell if blood was coming from her mouth or nose. I freaked out, immediately called the Cat Clinic, and poor Marcus, who has been sick all day, drove us to Fremont. Thank goodness halfway there she started recovering. I think she went into some sort of shock. I probably would too if a 90lb dog jumped on my head.

The doctor said she was very lucky. She jammed her upper canine and since she already has bad teeth it started bleeding. The doctor said she will need the tooth removed, but since she has severe periodontal disease, she needs both teeth removed anyway. She has a mild concussion, a fat lip, and I'm sure the extra excitement didn't help her heart murmur. Poor kittie.

Man that scared the hell out of me. When we got home Jake was sitting in the corner with his typical "I'm so sorry....what did I do?" cowering posture. Poor little Pooh-Bear is now fast asleep on my lap. Now that the dust has settled a bit I wonder how people with kids cope...

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