Thursday, December 21, 2006

I was born to run!

At least that's what BioSportsNW says. I went there last night for my first appointment. After a physical exam the therapist marked up my legs and stuck little white dots all over my knees and shins. I hopped on the treadmill barefoot and did some walking and running while they videotaped everything. Then I did the same with shoes on.

It's very fascinating to watch yourself in slow motion on video. The therapist said that based on the video she'd guess I was suffering from ITBS in the left leg. It's actually in my right. What can I say? I've never been normal. The bottom line is that I have a slight pelvic tilt on my right side that makes my right leg appear shorter. My left foot is very flat, probably as an attempt to correct the issue.

My orthotics weren't really designed for running, so they're both helping and hindering me. I do have a slight foot pronation, and the orthotics help that, but they're so rigid that they cause other problems. I go back tomorrow to get a new set of orthotics made and to start a stretching and strength training program.

The awesome news is that the therapist said I should be back to running in no time. Aside from a few minor hiccups I was told that I have near perfect running biomechanics. Great! I'm destined for the Boston Marathon after that good or bad news?

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