Friday, December 08, 2006

Biosports NW

Oh yeah, I visited my knee doc this morning since I'm about at the end of my rope with the whole ITBS problem. Unbelievably, it dates way back to October 2005. Has it seriously been that long? After spending 6 months in physical therapy and then doing strength training with Joe at Headquarters I haven't really seen any marked improvement. Ok, so that's not entirely true. I did improve a bit since I can now run about 2 miles without problems, sometimes 3. At one point I couldn't even run a block let alone make it down the stairs. I run so sporadically these days that it's hard to gauge my progress, but my knee has never felt like it used to.

My running bug is back though, and I'm tired of getting tweaky at 2 miles. I want to run again damnit! That marathon thing is still lingering out there and it's pissing me off. My doc said I'm getting old. Yup. He said it's a combination of biomechanics and age. Shit. He said some people never run again after having ITBS. Great pep talk eh? At least he set up an appointment for me on Dec 20th over at BioSports NW to get a gait analysis and new orthotics made. Mine are 7 years old and I know that I pronate when I run, so here's hoping they discover some miraculous cure through shoes, orthotics, PT, or something. At this point I'm ready to do ANYTHING. I guess I should be lucky to have cycling, but I still can't get away from the running bug.

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