Friday, December 22, 2006

Nice day for a ride

I left UZoka at 9am this morning for a south lake loop ride with a few of the guys. Having the day off rocked! I felt really good and strong on the ride today and had no trouble hanging with the pack. I'm sure we weren't going super strong, but we did a good solid 35 miles. I was even able to paceline down Lake Washington and take some short pulls at speed (20+ with a good headwind). I need to work on being able to do longer pulls before fading, but all in all I felt pretty good. We even had some sunshine today!

I've been riding with the heart rate monitor and it's a great way to track effort. While we were pacelining down Lake Washington I got into Zone 4 and slightly into 5, which is 190-200 for me, and I could definitely feel when I was starting to go anaerobic. I know, I have the heart rate of a mouse. My hammies were screaming at me today, probably from the power builders I've been doing this week. I need to hit the shower, stretch out some, and grab some grub!

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