Friday, June 23, 2006

Running on crack

Last night I decided to go for a run to see if my knee is progressing. I headed down LWB to Seward Park and mixed it up with a combination of light jogging and walking. Once I got to Seward I started running for real and everything felt pretty good, so I kept going...and going...and going. And it felt great! I soon realized I was going to run my first complete lap of Seward Park in what seemed like an eternity and I got this huge smile on my face. I'm all bouncing along, smiling huge, practically screaming, "I can run!". It was a total Nike commercial or something. I'm sure people were wondering what kind of crack I was on. I even kept running all the way home!

At my Wednesday morning workout Joe told me he plans to sponsor a Boston Marathon team next year and wants me to run. Of course I reminded him of my knee problem and that I hadn't run in a long time and he ignored me. He said I should try running again and well, here I am! I ran the Seattle Half Marathon in 2004 and unfortunately never completed another since I had the IT band problem. I've never had the desire to run 26.2 miles, but I think for the first time I've suddenly become interested!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I can run 13.1 and walk 13.1, you can certainly run 26.2. I'm glad to see your training is going well. I am focused on intervals right now with cycling. training for my first ever triathlon. unfortunately, just getting started in the last month. WAY behind. Hope all is well!